Frequently Asked Questions

You have to include prefix while using the command as of now, we are working on migrating to slash commands.

<> means required, () means optional. Don't include them while using command.

How to log invites in a channel?

Use setjoinchannel (channel) command to log all the joins.

Use setleavechannel (channel) command to log all the leaves.

Use setjoinmessage <message> command to customize the join message, you can use variables too, to know them use variables command.

Use setleavemessage <message> command to customize the leave message, you can use variables too, to know them use variables command.

Upgrade to Falcon Premium in order to access embeds for join and leave messages and a custom join message for vanity invite.

How to set greet welcome message?

To set greet in a channel, use greet <channel> <time as integer> <message> command.

To disable greet from a channel, use disablegreet <channel> command.

Greet messages are sent when a user joins a Discord server and these messages are deleted after certain time period.
Falcon will delete these message after maximum of 29 seconds. You can set greet in 3 channels as of now using Falcon bot.

Upgrade to Falcon Premium in order to access embeds for greet messages and add extra delete time.

How to reset invites/messages in Falcon bot?

You can reset invites in your Discord server by using resetinvites <member | all> command.

You can reset messages in your Discord server by using resetmessages <member | all> command.

The above commands take 2 types of argument if a member is passed, then the bot will clear the member's invites if "all" is passed then it will clear the everyone's invites in your Discord server.

How to view invites/messages leaderboard?

To view invites leaderboard of your Discord server, use lb <invites> command.

To view messages leaderboard of your Discord server, use lb <msg> command.

To view daily messages leaderboard of your Discord server, use lb <dailymsg> command.

You can create live leaderboards with Falcon Premium.

How to add/remove invites in Falcon bot?

To add invites to a user, use addinvites <user> <amount> <total or fake> command.

To remove invites of a user, use removeinvites <user> <amount> <total or fake> command.

Upgrade to Falcon Premium in order to add invites to the fake field.

How to add/remove messages in Falcon bot?

To add messages to a user, use addmessages <user> <amount> command.

To remove messages of a user, use removemessages <user> <amount> command.

Upgrade to Falcon Premium in order to add messages to daily and weekly fields.

How to host giveaway using Falcon bot?

To start a new giveaway, use gstart <time in s|m|h|d> <amount of winners> <prize> command.

To end an ongoing giveaway, use gend <message id> command.

To reroll a giveaway, use greroll <message id> (winners) command.

Create customized giveaway with requirements with Falcon Premium.

How to make Falcon mod role?

Falcon mod role is a way to bypass permissions required for certain commands, create a role named Falcon mod this should be case sensitive and then add it to your users.

Why the bot is not responding or why does it say "an error occured"?

First of all make sure that the bot is online. Bot will not respond if it is offline or under a restart or under a maintenance. You can join the Support Server to get information about such events.

If the bot responds with "an error occured" message or interaction failed while using slash commands, it is likely that the bot encountered unexpected response. Report this by joining the Support Server so that we can fix it as soon as possible.